
Borov Dol provided transportation for students from Konce to school in Radovish

The Borov Dol mine is providing transportation for 55 high school students from the municipality of Konce to the school in Radovish, until the end of the first semester of the school year (31 December 2021). 

Meeting the demands of the Municipality of Konce and solving the problem faced by the municipality, parents and students, as there is no formally organized transportation for students, which is a legal obligation of the schools where students are enrolled, the mine will continue to cover the costs for transportation of studentsfrom Konce attending the high school in Radovish. The students are provided a weekly schedule for the free school transport.

With the beginning of the school year in September, the free school transport was not provided to the students. Some students were left without transportation and would not have been able to attend classes, which is inadmissible. As an active social partner intensively involved in supporting community development, we will continue to cover the cost of student transportation, as this problem has not yet been resolved. Education is an important segment for the development of the community. All children should be provided with accessible and quality education,” said Pavlo Krivinsky, General Manager of Borov Dol.

Borov Doll’s corporate social responsibility is in line with the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact. The mine is committed to acting in support of Sustainable Development Goals, as well as to making an active contribution towards their achievement. This attitude implies an approach to work that goes beyond the traditional notions of caring for the core business and legal obligations, and is geared towards appropriate action.

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