The Borov Dol mine, in cooperation with the Macedonian NGO “Youth Can” and the German foundation “Schuler Helfen Leben”, supported the global initiative Solidarity Action Day – Social Day, which was held for the first time this year in North Macedonia.
A total of 26 high school students had the opportunity for one day be a part of the Borov Dol team and experience the work dynamics in the mine, by performing the duties of a geologist, environmental engineer, head of finance and accounting, accounting officer, head of human resources, chief energy officer, head of commerce, operator in dispatch center, OSH engineer, head of production technical department, chief mechanical engineer, secretary, and archivist.
Students from the high school “Slavcho Stojmenski” in Stip and from the high school “Kosta Susinov” in Radovish, in addition to having the opportunity to learn something more about the tasks and responsibilities at work, also had the opportunity to experience potential areas for future employment and further education. The one-day work engagement enabled the teens to become acquainted with jobs they may wish to pursue in the future, learn something more about the chosen profession, gain work experience in real conditions, connect acquired theoretical knowledge with practical skills, and at the same time gain an expanded opportunity for choosing professions and perceiving opportunities for professional and career development through the sharing of expertise, knowledge and experiences by the employees of Borov Dol. In addition to performing their duties, the students had the opportunity to explore the mine and get acquainted with the overall work process at Borov Dol.

“We are open for cooperation which contributes to the support and development of youth initiatives. We were honored to take part in the first Social Day in North Macedonia, which promotes solidarity and activism among young people. Borov Dol “hired” 26 high school students, who were all given the opportunity through their appointed mentors to become better acquainted with the real work that goes on inside the mine. We hope we have been able to broaden students’ horizons in the context of their future professional aspirations, and have encouraged them to start thinking about their career paths. We are especially glad the daily wage they received for working on this day will be donated to a youth fund that supports a range of youth initiatives,” said Pavlo Krivinsky, General Manager of Borov Dol.

Solidarity Action Day is a day in which high school students replace a school day with a work day, with students donating their per diem to a fund to support the implementation of youth projects. On this day, students are given the opportunity to work at a job of heir choice instead of going to school. The purpose of Social Day is to establish solidarity among young people during their school days, to inspire active citizenship, and sustainable social development led by young people.