DPTU Borov Dol DOOEL Radovish is committed to promoting environmentally sustainable development in its operational processes and activities. Within its competencies, and in accordance with its program of activities in the field of environmental protection, the mine carried out afforestation on the territory of its concession area.
In cooperation with PE National Forests’ subsidiary Plachkovica in Radovish, the copper mine Borov Dol, implemented afforestation this year of the bare area near the dam located in the area of the technological water treatment plant. 500 seedlings were planted on an area of 817 m2, of which 200 black pine seedlings and 300 acacia. The expert team from Plachkovica made the selection of afforestation seedlings and played an active role, particularly in field preparation and providing professional assistance, in order to obtain optimal results.

The greening of this area, in addition to contributing to the preservation of biodiversity, will help mitigate the erosive processes, as well as prevent further occurrence of torrents in the catchment area of Penliv Dol and Kriva Lakavica River. The seedlings will also protect against water erosion, which is particularly pronounced in rainy seasons.
“Reasonable use of natural resources and proper management – that is our motto. We carry out our activities through proactive participation and constant communication regarding the environment with all partners, institutions, and civil associations. Our operational plans include preventive measures and activities that provide protection for and improvement of the surrounding environment. This is a continuation our pledge to care for the environment. With the implementation of the afforestation program, we are greening bare lands, which will improve the local ecosystem, as well as reduce or stop erosive processes,” explained Pavlo Krivinsky, General Manager of Borov Dol.
Moving forward, in cooperation with PE National Forests, the Municipality of Radovish, and civil associations, other locations in the immediate vicinity of the mine will also be afforested, in order to renew the burned green areas in the village of Damjan, Radovish which were affected by the recent forest fires.