Radovish, 28 December 2021 – With an understanding that all facts must be presented before any direct accusations are made targeted at DPTU Borov Dol DOOEL Radovish with regard to pollution of the artificial lake-accumulation Mantovo in the Municipality of Konce, we hereby inform the public of the following:
Information was published in the public domain on 27 December 2021 about potential contamination from the operation of the Borov Dol mine. On 28 December 2021, at the indicated locations, in the presence of the Mayor of Konce, Acting General Manager of Borov Dol, an employee of AD Vodostopanstvo Radovishko Pole, the mine’s expert teams, together with the competent bodies from the State Inspectorate of Environment (SEI), performed field inspection. Samples of water and soil were also collected in order to assess the presence of potentially harmful chemicals, as well as to determine their type.

Water and soil samples were submitted for further detailed laboratory tests in accredited laboratories and will be processed as soon as possible. The results of the analysis will be submitted to the competent authorities, and they will be publicly announced.
Additionally, on 29 December 2021, the State Environmental Inspectorate (SEI) conducted an additional field inspection to check the state of the environment in the indicated places, as well as to collect samples for further analysis and determination of the actual situation on the ground.

The Borov Dol copper mine operates in accordance with the established norms and standards of the environmental protection system according to its A-Integrated environmental permit, which includes working conditions, duties, measures and activities to be taken into account for environmental protection. At the same time, the mine regularly monitors its environmental impacts and submits frequent reports to the competent institutions responsible for oversight.
DPTU Borov Dol DOOEL Radovish prioritizes operating transparently and responsibly. The mine provides transparent, open access to information and field inspections performed by all institutions to civil society organizations, as well as the local population and the media, for further clarification or response to any inquiries from the public or stakeholders.