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Support for the centuries-old cultural and state heritage

In order to contribute to the preservation of the cultural heritage in North Macedonia, which celebrates the cultural identity of the Macedonian people, the Borov Dol mine donated goods and services valued at approximately €14,000 during the second half of 2021. 

For the development of the economy of the Monastery “St. Gavril Lesnovski” in the village Lesnovo, Probistip, which is based on the production of cow and sheep milk, Borov Dol helped the newly built monastery’s modern farm and barn for breeding and milking cows, and donated a generator for electricity production and power supply to the farm for the organic production of milk. This facilitates the whole process of the monastery fraternity of the Lesnovo Monastery, consisting of three monks who independently maintain and renovate the monastery complex, which has an important place in Macedonian cultural history and is key to the development of rural tourism in the region.

Over the past few months, the Borov Dol mine, in line with its commitment to supporting the traditions of the people and cultural heritage, procured copper sheet metal in August for the needs of the Monastery “Holy Mother of God” in Kichevo. It was used to complete the construction of the monastery fountain by covering the roof with copper. In November, the road connecting the village of Injevo with the Monastery “St. Archangel Michael” in Radovish was paved, providing access to the monastery for the celebration in honor of the patron saint of the monastery, the Feast of St. Archangel Michael. This feast is one of the biggest Christian holidays when locals celebrate their protector.

Our country has a rich cultural heritage which is of immeasurable importance. It should be protected, preserved and maintained as a lasting pledge for future generations. We recognize the importance of protecting and preserving our shared cultural heritage and its significance. For these reasons, we will continue with such support, which is essential, because they contribute to the preservation of the cultural heritage in the country, as well as to the sustainable development of communities. Investing in cultural heritage has a reciprocal effect on overall development. Apart from the spiritual significance and cultural importance, the cultural heritage is also an important resource for encouraging the economic and tourist development of rural communities,” said Ivica Karapetrov, acting General Manager of Borov Dol.


Green Environmental Improvements

DPTU Borov Dol DOOEL Radovish is committed to promoting environmentally sustainable development in its operational processes and activities. Within its competencies, and in accordance with its program of activities in the field of environmental protection, the mine carried out afforestation on the territory of its concession area.

In cooperation with PE National Forests’ subsidiary Plachkovica in Radovish, the copper mine Borov Dol, implemented afforestation this year of the bare area near the dam located in the area of the technological water treatment plant. 500 seedlings were planted on an area of ​​817 m2, of which 200 black pine seedlings and 300 acacia. The expert team from Plachkovica made the selection of afforestation seedlings and played an active role, particularly in field preparation and providing professional assistance, in order to obtain optimal results.

The greening of this area, in addition to contributing to the preservation of biodiversity, will help mitigate the erosive processes, as well as prevent further occurrence of torrents in the catchment area of ​​Penliv Dol and Kriva Lakavica River. The seedlings will also protect against water erosion, which is particularly pronounced in rainy seasons.

Reasonable use of natural resources and proper management – that is our motto. We carry out our activities through proactive participation and constant communication regarding the environment with all partners, institutions, and civil associations. Our operational plans include preventive measures and activities that provide protection for and improvement of the surrounding environment. This is a continuation our pledge to care for the environment. With the implementation of the afforestation program, we are greening bare lands, which will improve the local ecosystem, as well as reduce or stop erosive processes,” explained Pavlo Krivinsky, General Manager of Borov Dol.

Moving forward, in cooperation with PE National Forests, the Municipality of Radovish, and civil associations, other locations in the immediate vicinity of the mine will also be afforested, in order to renew the burned green areas in the village of Damjan, Radovish which were affected by the recent forest fires.


Borov Dol mine supports first solidarity action day in North Macedonia

The Borov Dol mine, in cooperation with the Macedonian NGO “Youth Can” and the German foundation “Schuler Helfen Leben”, supported the global initiative Solidarity Action Day – Social Day, which was held for the first time this year in North Macedonia.

A total of 26 high school students had the opportunity for one day be a part of the Borov Dol team and experience the work dynamics in the mine, by performing the duties of a geologist, environmental engineer, head of finance and accounting, accounting officer, head of human resources, chief energy officer, head of commerce, operator in dispatch center, OSH engineer, head of production technical department, chief mechanical engineer, secretary, and archivist.

Students from the high school “Slavcho Stojmenski” in Stip and from the high school “Kosta Susinov” in Radovish, in addition to having the opportunity to learn something more about the tasks and responsibilities at work, also had the opportunity to experience potential areas for future employment and further education. The one-day work engagement enabled the teens to become acquainted with jobs they may wish to pursue in the future, learn something more about the chosen profession, gain work experience in real conditions, connect acquired theoretical knowledge with practical skills, and at the same time gain an expanded opportunity for choosing professions and perceiving opportunities for professional and career development through the sharing of expertise, knowledge and experiences by the employees of Borov Dol. In addition to performing their duties, the students had the opportunity to explore the mine and get acquainted with the overall work process at Borov Dol.

“We are open for cooperation which contributes to the support and development of youth initiatives. We were honored to take part in the first Social Day in North Macedonia, which promotes solidarity and activism among young people. Borov Dol “hired” 26 high school students, who were all given the opportunity through their appointed mentors to become better acquainted with the real work that goes on inside the mine. We hope we have been able to broaden students’ horizons in the context of their future professional aspirations, and have encouraged them to start thinking about their career paths. We are especially glad the daily wage they received for working on this day will be donated to a youth fund that supports a range of youth initiatives,” said Pavlo Krivinsky, General Manager of Borov Dol.

Solidarity Action Day is a day in which high school students replace a school day with a work day, with students donating their per diem to a fund to support the implementation of youth projects. On this day, students are given the opportunity to work at a job of heir choice instead of going to school. The purpose of Social Day is to establish solidarity among young people during their school days, to inspire active citizenship, and sustainable social development led by young people.


Support for youth and athletic activities in Radovish

Responsible operations, social responsibility, and sustainable development are all key pillars of the business culture at the Bucim mine. 

Within its commitment to improving local athletic conditions for sports clubs and athletes alike, Bucim mine provided financial support in the amount of 2.7 million denars to the handball club RK Radovish. The mine also provided sponsorships and donations in support of the wrestling club “Bucim-Radovish” and other local sports clubs in the town of Radovish.

Bucim mine continues to invest and support better athletics opportunities in its local community. This is supported by the company’s corporate social policy, which is committed to investing in socially beneficial projects, activities, and organizations which improve the quality of life in local communities while also promoting healthy lifestyles.

“Sport is an important enabler of sustainable development. Bucim supports the development of talented young athletes, clubs, and athletic events, through sponsorships and donations, in order to help achieve athletic success, to build healthier future generations, a healthy community, and sports pride in Radovish,” said Oleg Chusovitin, General Manager of Bucim.


Borov Dol provided transportation for students from Konce to school in Radovish

The Borov Dol mine is providing transportation for 55 high school students from the municipality of Konce to the school in Radovish, until the end of the first semester of the school year (31 December 2021). 

Meeting the demands of the Municipality of Konce and solving the problem faced by the municipality, parents and students, as there is no formally organized transportation for students, which is a legal obligation of the schools where students are enrolled, the mine will continue to cover the costs for transportation of studentsfrom Konce attending the high school in Radovish. The students are provided a weekly schedule for the free school transport.

With the beginning of the school year in September, the free school transport was not provided to the students. Some students were left without transportation and would not have been able to attend classes, which is inadmissible. As an active social partner intensively involved in supporting community development, we will continue to cover the cost of student transportation, as this problem has not yet been resolved. Education is an important segment for the development of the community. All children should be provided with accessible and quality education,” said Pavlo Krivinsky, General Manager of Borov Dol.

Borov Doll’s corporate social responsibility is in line with the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact. The mine is committed to acting in support of Sustainable Development Goals, as well as to making an active contribution towards their achievement. This attitude implies an approach to work that goes beyond the traditional notions of caring for the core business and legal obligations, and is geared towards appropriate action.

Bucim press release

Defect notification at Bucim mine

Today, at 08:45 AM, at defect in the pipeline cover occurred at Bucim mine. This defect caused a temporary leakage of a small amount of flotation tailings into the Topolnicka River.

The mine’s expert teams reacted immediately to repair the defect. The leakage was stopped and the situation was normalized. The defect has been resolved, the riverbed of the Topolnicka River has also been cleaned. 

In addition, acting in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Environmental Protection and IPPC permit,the responsible authorities were notified and informed by the State Environmental Inspectorate (SEI). An on-site inspection is currently underway by the SEI. 


Field inspection of the operation of the Borov Dol mine

In order to inform the media, and first and foremost the affected public, with the work, rights and obligations of DPTU Borov Dol DOOEL Radovish, we would like to inform that on 18.10.2021, the responsible bodies of the State Environmental Inspectorate (SEI) conducted an inspection on the basis of a reported leak.

The field inspection was performed at the indicated locations, where in the presence of the competent authorities, samples were taken from the water in the surface watercourse Penliv Dol to determine the actual situation with regard to the potential presence of pollutants in the water. This inspection sought to check for any potential contamination from the Borov mine. The samples were submitted for laboratory tests in accredited laboratories, and the findings from the analyses will be submitted in a timely manner to the competent authorities and presented to the public.

To date, there has not been an environmental incident in the operations of the Borov Dol mine. The working activities of the mine are carried out in accordance with the established norms and standards of the system for environmental protection according to the IPPC permit, which includes the working conditions, duties, measures, and activities that should be taken into account for the protection of environment. The mine continuously monitors its impact on the environment and in its operations behave carefully and responsibly, in order to avoid and prevent environmental pollution.

DPTU Borov Dol DOOEL Radovish is a responsible company, open for cooperation with all competent institutions at the state and local levels, as well as for communication with representatives of civil society organizations and the local population, and is also available to the media, for any clarification or response at any time. 

Bucim press release

Official statement of DPTU “Bucim” DOO Radovish regarding a fatal accident

On 13 October 2021 at 11:43 AM, a fatal accident occurred in the flotation unit of the Bucim DOO Radovish copper mine, during which two people died.

The victims are subcontractors from the Mountaineering Club Plocha in Radovish who were brought on site to clean the silos. First aid was immediately performed by Bucim’s medical staff at the scene of the accident, and the victims were transferred to the Health Center in Radovish and PHI Clinical – Hospital Stip, where the two deaths were confirmed.

Bucim management immediately notified all relevant authorities who swiftly arrived at the scene of the accident. The emergency services and responsible government agencies are currently performing a thorough investigation. Bucim is cooperating fully in this process. A commission has been formed to assess the cause of the accident. The results of the investigation will be announced as soon as its findings are available.

“Bucim” DOO Radovish expresses its deepest condolences to the families of the deceased.


Ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education for all

Borov Dol mine aims to improve the quality of life of the population living in the local community near the mine. Through its activities, Borov Dol strives to meets present needs and provide sustainability for future generations. The mine has set goals for sustainable development which place special emphasis on creating conditions for the development of equitable, quality education for all.

At the beginning of the new school year, which started today, on September 1, Borov Dol donated technical equipment for successful monitoring of the curriculum in the primary school “Goce Delchev” in the Municipality of Konche. The school received four interactive smart boards which will be integrated into the teaching process. They will enable more effective implementation of the curriculum through a new and modern method of conducting the lessons. This will also allow teachers to bring the curriculum closer to students in an interactive way and will replace the classical way of teaching. The donation is valued at approximately €2,000. 

Modern society requires a modern education system, which sometimes is dependent on the possibilities and capacities ofthe teaching equipment used in schools. Having in mind the importance of education, we focused our attention on providing an inclusive and effective environment for current and future generations of students. With this donation, we have created conditions for a quality educational process in the school, enabling the application of modern learning methods,” said Pavlo Krivinskyi, General Manager, Borov Dol.

Borov Dol and Bucim mines are committed to supporting and promoting education in the communities in which they operate. In their work, they constantly invest and support local schools to improve the educational process. Last year, in which the teaching took place online, the mines provided tablets and internet access for students and computer equipment for schools in Radovish, Konche, Oraovica, and Injevo, in order to ensure the smooth functioning of online school due to the coronavirus pandemic. 


Bucim and Borov Dol celebrate Miners’ Day

August 28th marked the Christian holiday in celebration of the Mother of God, who is also believed to be the patron saint protecting miners. Bucim and Borov Dol in Radovish marked the holiday by celebrating Miners’ Day which falls in North Macedonia on the same day. 

On the day of the mining profession, Bucim and Borov Dol copper mines awarded cash prizes to all of their employees. Employees were thanked for their commitment and dedication. The best miners were also awarded additional cash prizes for their outstanding contributions. 

The awards were presented by Borov Dol General Manager, Pavlo Krivinskyi, and Bucim General Manager, Oleg Chusovitin, emphasizing the important role miners play in our society.

Every profession is honorable, but the mining profession deserves special respect and recognition. Without miners, we would not have enough electricity nor heating, especially now that these things are so often taken for granted in modern society. Most people don’t stop to think about how these essentials are provided. If we stop and look around, we see how much comfort in our daily lives depends on minerals extracted from the earth. Miners are the reason we live comfortably.Thank you for everything you do for us! To all our employees and colleagues in the mining industry, I congratulate you on this occasion of Miners’ Day and wish you all health, happiness and well-being. May this holiday be for many years. Good luck!,” said Oleg Chusovitin, General Manager, Bucim.

Addressing the audience, Borov Dol General Manager, Pavlo Krivinskyi, said: “I would first like to briefly address the investment that extends the life of Bucim. Due to the depletion of ore reserves, instead of the inevitable complete closure of Bucim at the beginning of 2021, Borov Dol was built and opened, which retained the jobs of employees, created new job opportunities, and continued the local mining tradition. In a relatively short period of time, we have managed to build a modern mine, developed in accordance with all standards that ensure responsible and sustainable mining. In the past, we all worked tirelessly and responsibly and did not allow the mining in this area to stop. You all stand behind our mutualsuccess. Thanks to all of you, we are proud of what we have achieved together! This holiday is an occasion to be proud of the people who represent the mining industry. Miners’ Day is a symbol of cooperation, courage and hard work, so I thank all our miners for their tireless commitment and dedication. A deep bow!

In honor of the mining holiday, in addition to the awards ceremony, the municipalities of Radovish, Konche and Shtip, on whose territory Bucim and Borov Dol mines operate, donated €5,000 to each municipality. At the same time, on th eChristian holiday falling on the same day, as a sign of gratitude to patron saint of the miners, a donation of €4,000 was made to the Monastery of the Holy Mother of God in Kichevo. The funds will be used towards completion of construction of the monastery fountain by covering the roof with copper. 

The official ceremony took place at the newly opened Borov Dol copper mine, in an open space, with a limited number of attendees, respecting the covid measures and protocols. In addition to the miners and honorary guests, the mayors of the Municipality of Konche, Blagoj Iliev, of the Municipality of Shtip, Sashko Nikolov and of the Municipality of Radovish, Gerasim Konzulov, also attended the awards ceremony.