
Bucim and Borov Dol celebrate Miners’ Day

August 28th marked the Christian holiday in celebration of the Mother of God, who is also believed to be the patron saint protecting miners. Bucim and Borov Dol in Radovish marked the holiday by celebrating Miners’ Day which falls in North Macedonia on the same day. 

On the day of the mining profession, Bucim and Borov Dol copper mines awarded cash prizes to all of their employees. Employees were thanked for their commitment and dedication. The best miners were also awarded additional cash prizes for their outstanding contributions. 

The awards were presented by Borov Dol General Manager, Pavlo Krivinskyi, and Bucim General Manager, Oleg Chusovitin, emphasizing the important role miners play in our society.

Every profession is honorable, but the mining profession deserves special respect and recognition. Without miners, we would not have enough electricity nor heating, especially now that these things are so often taken for granted in modern society. Most people don’t stop to think about how these essentials are provided. If we stop and look around, we see how much comfort in our daily lives depends on minerals extracted from the earth. Miners are the reason we live comfortably.Thank you for everything you do for us! To all our employees and colleagues in the mining industry, I congratulate you on this occasion of Miners’ Day and wish you all health, happiness and well-being. May this holiday be for many years. Good luck!,” said Oleg Chusovitin, General Manager, Bucim.

Addressing the audience, Borov Dol General Manager, Pavlo Krivinskyi, said: “I would first like to briefly address the investment that extends the life of Bucim. Due to the depletion of ore reserves, instead of the inevitable complete closure of Bucim at the beginning of 2021, Borov Dol was built and opened, which retained the jobs of employees, created new job opportunities, and continued the local mining tradition. In a relatively short period of time, we have managed to build a modern mine, developed in accordance with all standards that ensure responsible and sustainable mining. In the past, we all worked tirelessly and responsibly and did not allow the mining in this area to stop. You all stand behind our mutualsuccess. Thanks to all of you, we are proud of what we have achieved together! This holiday is an occasion to be proud of the people who represent the mining industry. Miners’ Day is a symbol of cooperation, courage and hard work, so I thank all our miners for their tireless commitment and dedication. A deep bow!

In honor of the mining holiday, in addition to the awards ceremony, the municipalities of Radovish, Konche and Shtip, on whose territory Bucim and Borov Dol mines operate, donated €5,000 to each municipality. At the same time, on th eChristian holiday falling on the same day, as a sign of gratitude to patron saint of the miners, a donation of €4,000 was made to the Monastery of the Holy Mother of God in Kichevo. The funds will be used towards completion of construction of the monastery fountain by covering the roof with copper. 

The official ceremony took place at the newly opened Borov Dol copper mine, in an open space, with a limited number of attendees, respecting the covid measures and protocols. In addition to the miners and honorary guests, the mayors of the Municipality of Konche, Blagoj Iliev, of the Municipality of Shtip, Sashko Nikolov and of the Municipality of Radovish, Gerasim Konzulov, also attended the awards ceremony.

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Access to drinking water for all is our priority. We are committed to supporting and ensuring a better life for local communities

As of today, today, the villages of Bucim and Topolnica will be supplied with clean drinking water and the mines Bucim and Borov Dol are arranging for an uninterrupted supply of drinking water to the population in the neighboring villages.

The water is safe to drink and is being supplied from a cistern in both villages. This step makes it easier for villagers who previously had to travel daily to Radovish to get clean water. The supply of drinking water to the population and the solution of the shortage of drinking water in the villages of Bucim and Topolnica is a priority in the program for sustainable development of the mines. The mines are dedicated to overcoming this problem, and will continue to distribute drinking water to the population of both villages.

The Bucim mine has allocated 50,000 euros in order to research clean water sources and soon the Municipality of Radovish will be able to start the construction of a water supply network for the inhabitants of Buchim and Topolnica. This will solve the problem of water shortage for the population of these villages and as a result all households will have access to safe drinking water.

We are working to solve the problem of the residents of the villages Bucim and Topolnica, who do not have access to quality drinking water. The decade-long problem of the inhabitants of the villages Topolnica and Bucim is expected to be permanently solved soon by installing a water supply system and having access to safe and clean drinking water. Research is underway to find drinking water sources and we are trying to ensure that in the best way possible, so that neighboring villages can have a stable supply of clean water,” added Oleg Chusovitin, General Manager of Bucim.

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Supporting community development is at the heart of Bucim and Borov Dol’s corporate strategy

The commitment to continuously improving the quality of life of the inhabitants of the local communities is deeply rooted in the principles of the mines‘ business operations. Bucim and Borov Dol take their corporate social responsibility very seriously and continuously take care of the communities in which they operate.

In order to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the services offered by the health and municipal institutions to the residents of the municipalities of Radovish and Konce, Borov Dol and Bucim mines donated an ambulance and bulldozer for the needs of PHI Health Center Radovish and PE Plavaja. These donations strengthen the capacities of the municipal institutions and will be beneficial for the entire community. 

Today’s donation is another confirmation of our commitment to creating better living conditions in the society in which we operate as a whole. We are working to improve the quality of life of local residents and to create long-term, sustainable development, ” said Pavlo Krivinskyi, General Manager, Borov Dol.

The mines‘ business operations are conducted in accordance with ESG standards, which are an important building block in achieving the companies’ goals for long-term sustainable development of the local communities. Over the past several years, the Buchim mine has made numerous donations to improve public services in the fields of health and municipalactivities, ranging from donating technical and medical equipment, improving the infrastructure of the health center, and providing a communal vehicle for garbage collection and transportation.

Our work is based primarily on constant efforts to contribute to the good of the community in which we live and work. Social responsibility is an important part of our corporate strategy and we are focused on improving conditions in the areas where municipal institutions need support,” added Oleg Chusovitin, General Manager, Bucim.


Bucim and Borov Dol announce new educational partnership for next generations

Bucim and Borov Dol mines are pleased to announce a new partnership with Kosta Susinov, a local high school. The partnership will run a dual education program to help high school students better prepare for a future career in the mining sector. The mines have signed a memorandum of cooperation with the local high school in Radovish to offer vocational training to students.  

Beginning in September 2021, Kosta Susinov high school will offer a dual education program with a special focus on geology, mining, and metallurgy. The program is designed to educate towards the knowledge required for a career as a geological-mining technician. Students in the program will be able to supplement their theoretical knowledge by participating in internships at Borov Dol and Bucim. At the mines, students will have the opportunity to partake in practical training to complement theoretical training received at school. Vocational training in the mines will build practical skills among the students, boost their technological skills, and upgrade their theoretical knowledge. The students will learn firsthand how to develop the necessary skills and practices to meet real market demands. 

We are constantly improving our system of social responsibility. Practical education is a great way for young people to build relevant skills for their future careers. The cooperation of the schools with the companies is very useful as it takes advantage of learning opportunities within the sector. We look forward to embarking on this important step to help ensure that local students can access high-quality training which will set them up for future success in the labor market,”explained Nikoljacho Nikolov, Deputy General Director of Bucim.

Within their ESG programs, the mines have a strong focus on education, the relevant learning and teaching needs, and provision and improvement of education for the next generations. The mines aim to provide local students with access to practical, hands-on training, adapted to the reality of work. This will complement the theoretical training students receive at school. The combination of theory and practice is oriented towards current industry needs. Therefore, upon graduation, the students will be well prepared to work in the mining and metals industry and pursue their career goals. 

Education is a key element of our sustainable development strategy. It is critical to provide such opportunities, because quality education is a critical element of ensuring a sustainable future. We support this dual education program and will ensure that students have ample opportunities to apply their theoretical knowledge in practice,” added Pavlo Krivinskyi, General Manager of Borov Dol.

The concept of dual education was first introduced in North Macedonia in 2018. Beginning in fall 2021, the local high school in Radovish will offer this program in cooperation with the mines. An open competition will be held at the school, and 25 students will be selected to take part in the inaugural dual education program during the 2021-22 academic year. 

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Bucim and Borov Dol announce 2020 annual performance results

Bucim DOO Radovish

Production results

In 2020, the Bucim mine processed 4.17 million tonnes of ore (98% of 2019 volume), with copper content of 0.172% (93% compared to quality of ore processed in 2019) and gold content of 0.197 g/t (80% compared to quality of ore processed in 2019).

The Bucim mine produces copper concentrate containing gold, silver, and pure cathode copper.

Total production of dry copper concentrate in 2020 was 28,484  tonnes (91% of 2019 volume), which contained 5,903 tonnes of copper (91% of 2019 volume), 448 kg of gold (76% of 2019 volume), and 862 kg of silver (92% of 2019 volume). Bucim’s SX/EW plant operated efficiently during 2020 to produce 722 tonnes of cathode copper of 99.99% quality (equal to 2019 volume).

The costs for overhaul activities, maintenance of production plants, and technological equipment during 2020 reached €3.8 million (97% of 2019 amount). 

In 2020, the mine began modernizing its production process in order to achieve higher standards in production. It invested €550,000 in the purchase of a new NP crusher that will enable increased production capacity, automated and better process control, and reduced electricity consumption. 

The total value of Bucim’s investment program in 2020, including environmental protection costs was €1.24 million   (113% of 2019 amount).

Financial results

During 2020, Bucim strove to achieve its goals and objectives and a positive financial result. The mine had a pre-tax profit of €15 million (92% of the result achieved in 2019).

The mine paid a profit tax to the budget of North Macedonia in the amount of €1.5 million  (92% of 2019 amount).

For the use of mineral resources in 2020, the company paid concession fees of €1 million, 78% of which was paid into the budget of the municipality of Radovish, while 22% was paid into the federal government budget.

The average monthly net salary paid per employee in 2020 was €564 (106% of 2019 average net salary). Social contributions from salaries paid were equal to €2.12 million (128% compared to 2019). Annual leave allowances, one-time compensation in the form of severance pay to workers who acquired the right to a pension and employee rewards for 15 years of continuous service totalled €220,500.

ESG performance 

Total ESG investments in 2020 reached €472,000.

Environmental commitment

In the total costs for environmental protection, the largest share were the costs for TSF surveillance (39%), followed by re-cultivation of the downstream slope of the dam of the tailing dump (32%), regular environmental monitoring according to IPPC (23%), waste management services (4%), and environmental third-party audits and assessments (2%).

In 2020, projects aimed increasing environmental safety included completion of the reconstruction of the system for the return and recycling of technological water and construction of an overflow channel. Implementation of an overflow system will continue during 2021.

The air quality at Bucim is monitored with three measuring devices for 24-hour monitoring of particulate matter (‘PM10‘). During 2020, there were no exceedances of air quality standards recorded. 

In 2020, after realization and fulfilment of its operational plan obligations, the Bucim mine received an IPPC – integrated pollution prevention and control permit.

Social responsibility

Socially responsible practices, as one of the main features of the company and a top priority amongst its operational agenda, continued with strong intensity throughout 2020. Bucim provided support for the development of cultural and sports associations, preschools, schools, cultural, public, and health institutions in the municipality of Radovish.

In 2020, the mine continued to provide technical water to the surrounding villages of Topolnica and Bucim. In total, during the reporting period, approximately 50,000 mof water were delivered for this purpose.

The mine was actively involved in the North Macedonia’s fight against the Covid-19 pandemic. In addition to donating protective equipment, the mine made financial donations to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of North Macedonia, local health centers in the municipalities of Radovish, Shtip, and Strumica, and the Municipal Red Cross in Radovish.

Health and safety

In 2020, Bucim continued working on modernization and development of the OSH system. The funds were allocated for procurement of personal and collective protective equipment, personal hygiene equipment, technical inspections of equipment, procurement, and servicing. Several trainings for 111 employees were also successfully completed in order to improve their OSH knowledge and awareness. These led to concrete results: zero deaths and serious injuries during the reporting period.

ISO standards

In 2020, Bucim was recertified according to ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 14001: 2015. These confirmed operation of the company in accordance with international standards and that the mine operates according to the guiding principles for conscientious, responsible, and sustainable management of natural resources.

Borov Dol’s development 

During 2020, the company was fully committed to performing all tasks and successfully implemented its plans for the upcoming start of operations at the Borov Dol mine.

In 2020, construction of the main technological facilities was completed in full (conveyor line,  primary crushing facility, and a closed ore warehouse) and infrastructure and auxiliary buildings were realized in the volume of 95%.

Total investments in the Borov Dol project reached €69.5 million.

Borov Dol invested €29.9 million in purchasing new equipment and spent €19.5 million on excavation works. In 2020,Borov Dol finished construction works on site worth €17.1 million.

2020 investment highlights

€10.7 million for construction work (168% of 2019 investment).

€14.6 million in purchases of necessary equipment (103% of 2019 investment).

€7.9 million for excavation of material (67% of 2019 investment).

2020 production highlights

In 2020, Borov Dol continued with earth excavation work, during which 10 million tonnes of rock material were excavated (compared to 12.7 million tonnes in 2019).

2020 environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) performance 

Total ESG investments in 2020 were equal to €75,400. The funds were allocated for performance of key activities as follows:


The company continuously monitored the quality of the environment and biodiversity in the concession area. In addition, as part of its overall compliance program, it incorporated third party environmental audits and assessments, in order to track potential effects and to make more ecologically sound, on-site managerial decisions. During 2020, in order to preserve the biodiversity in the surrounding area, the company installed special birdhouses (artificial nests) at more locations around the Borov Dol concession area.

There were no environmental incidents reported at Borov Dol in 2020. 

During 1Q 2021, Borov Dol obtained an IPPC – integrated pollution prevention and control permit. By the end of 2021, the company plans to certify its quality and environmental management systems according to ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 14001: 2015 standards.

Social responsibility

During 2020, Borov Dol installed a new heating system in the local kindergarten in Konce, ensuring that all necessary conditions for a modern and safe stay in the kindergarten for the youngest residents are provided. In order to help students and families move towards online learning, and ensure equal learning opportunities for all children, the company helped procure tablets and an annual internet connections for students from socially disadvantaged families in Konce. The company supported restoration of a 200 year-old church in Radovish in order to preserve the cultural heritage for the future generations and reconstruction of some existing local roads in Konce, enabling easier and safer travel for the local population.  To protect and prevent the spread of Covid-19, ensured protective masks and antiseptics were distributed to local residents. 

Health and safety 

No LTIs nor fatalities were reported at Borov Dol during 2020. 

During the reporting period, 60 of 101 total employees took part in OSH training sessions. Topics covered included a review of operational procedures as well as secure operations with new equipment installed on site. The company also performed all required testing of its machinery, electrical equipment, and buildings. 


Borov Dol has reaffirmed its commitment to responsible environmental practices

On March 1, 2021, Borov Dol conducted measurements of industrial wastewater generated in the vicinity of the mine.

Surface water collection was performed by an accredited laboratory in the presence of State Environmental Inspectorate (SEI) representatives. Tests were taken from the surface stream Penliv Dol, a tributary of the Kriva Lakavica river. The results of the analysis showed that the industrial wastewater markers found near the Borov Dol mine were all within the permitted parameters.

Borov Dol prioritizes minimizing the impact of its mining operations on local water resources. Prior to being discharged into the Penliv Dol stream, waters from both the surface Borov Dol mine and its waste rock dump are treated at the water plant. The waters are only released into Penliv Dol after having undergone purification treatment. 

“Our company is environmentally responsible and open to cooperation with all relevant institutions at the state and local levels, representatives of non-governmental organizations, and members of the local communities. We monitor all aspects of our local environment on an ongoing basis, and take all necessary measures to eliminate any potential impact of the operations of the Borov Dol mine,” added Pavlo Krivinskyi, General Manager of Borov Dol.

Borov Dol continuously monitors the air, emission sources, wastewaters, ground and surface waters, noise, and soil. As part of its sustainable development strategy, Borov Dol plans to certify its quality and environmental management systems according to the international ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 14001: 2015 standards by the end of 2021. The mine will begin with continuous planting of acacias at appropriate locations in order to minimize dust from its mining activities.

Results of laboratory analysis of water samples taken on March 1, 2021

**Permitted parameters for discharges according to Borov Dol’s integrated environmental permit
Measuring point No. 1 – Surface of Penliv Dol stream near the treatment plant
Measuring point No. 2 – Along the Penliv Dol stream
Measuring point No. 3 – In Kriva Lakavica


The copper mine Borov Dol obtained an IPPC permit

Pursuant to the Law on Environment of North Macedonia, after determining and inspecting the fulfillment of the necessary conditions for obtaining an environmental permit provided by the laws and bylaws, the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning issued an integrated pollution prevention and control permit for the copper mine “Borov Dol” DOOEL Radovish. 

An IPPC permit is in accordance with the established standards for environmental protection, which includes working conditions, duties, measures and activities that should be taken into account for environmental protection, based on the use of the best available techniques. The permit identifies and describes all installation activities covered by the permit. It regulates the work of the mine in the field of environmental protection, as well as monitoring the development of the best available techniques that are relevant to the operation of the mine and the requirements regarding the environmental standards to be established, applied and maintained, in order to reduce the negative impacts on the environment. 

“Environmental protection is one of our top priorities throughout the whole life cycle of the mine. The Borov Dol mine respects global and national environmental regulations and laws, and is designed and developed to compare mining activities using the best available methods in industrial production, in order to ensure minimal environmental impact and sustainable use of natural resources,”  said Pavlo Krivinsky, General Manager of Borov Dol. 



The mines Bucim and Borov Dol are announcing an open call for participants in the new digital scholarship program for young talents. The program is run in North Macedonia, Ukraine and Guatemala as a part of the partnership of the mines’ parent company Solway Investment Group with the world-renowned Salzburg Festival.

The updated format of the program @creative.fellowship talent showcase is a continuation of the previous youth talent initiative implemented in North Macedonia since 2017.  This year the initiative exptends its geograficacl reach and welcomes talented candidates from Radovish, Konce and Stip to apply for participation. 

In 2021, in response to the challenges posed by the coronavirus pandemic, the organizers embraced recent trends and completely redesigned the previous version of the program, adopting informal and vocational education through the prism of art and new technologies to create a new interactive program attuned to the digital age. Operation will be implemented through the integration of such communication tools as Zoom, WhatsApp, Miro, and Notion, also using the additional resources of Instagram and TikTok. 

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and global travel restrictions the probability of visiting opera camps in Slazburg in undefined. Therefore, the organizers set the target to bring the opera camp experience to the talents virtually. 

The 2021 year participants will have the opportunity to be the pioneers of the new digitalized format of the program. In addition to English classes, the @creative.fellowship showcase curriculum also features Art Academy, a series of interactive arts and crafts activities aimed at exploring the differences and similarities between the cultures It will also include a three-week music and dance residence run online under the supervision of the Salzburg Festival’s youth program experts. This new addition to the program allows participants to connect with top art professionals who will share their experiences and encourage young people to be the best at what they do.

The 2021 Creative Fellowship gives a unique opportunity to young talents of 14 – 17 years old, to showcase their extraordinary talents and participate in a major international performance project. The program aims to encourage younger generations to develop their potential, work with fellows from different cultures and teaches them cooperation, critical thinking, problem solving and English language skills through arts and creativity.  

Creative youngsters from Stip, Radovish and Konce who are currently developing their skills in music, singing, dancing, acting, drawing, designing, videomaking or photographing or any other cereativity are welcome to submit their applications and take part in the in the international online showcase. Participation and good performance in the classes will be rewarded with official certificates of completion from the accredited language school and  iTunes University. Those highly motivated with good results in attendance and academic performance will have a chance to go on an eventful weekend trip with friends to Skopje.  

Only one candidate from those who will choose to continue participating in the program to the end and would take part in the 5 week music and dance virtual residence run online under the supervision of the Salzburg Festival’s youth program experts will have a chance to be awarded with the personalized trip to Salzburg. The trip will  include individual training with one of the mentors from the scholarship program of the Salzburg Festival (in the event of travel restrictions, the activity will be postponed or will take place online).

2020 was a challenge for the program. Pandemic realities and lockdowns forced its transformation into an online education platform and began a new chapter. 2020 winners will have their promised journey to Salzburg when international travel becomes possible again, and any of the former participants are welcome to join the new showcase.

Digitalization of the program substantially increases the number of youth and adults who have an opportunity to learn technical and vocational skills, hopefully leading to better future employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship. The program offers participants tools such as computer literacy, networking, and English language tutoring.

The call is open till February 8, 2021.

For more detailed information on the project and the application procedures, including the application forms, please visit:


Borov Dol starts preparing for testing and adjusting the equipment

Preparations are underway to start testing and adjust the primary ore crushing unit and conveyor belt. 

The conveyor belt, 7 km long, is the main transport line that directly connects the supply of ore from the Borov Dol warehouse to the ore storage facility of Bucim. The conveyor belt system is sophisticated engineering solution, made according to world standards, which will transport the crushed ore from the Borov Dol mine to the processing facilities of Bucim. 

The ore conveyor belt and the primary ore crushing plant will soon be put into testing. All activities for the imminent commissioning of the new copper mine are in the final phase and we are working intensively on the upcoming start of operation of the mine,” said Pavlo Krivinsky, General Manager of Borov Dol. 

In the concession area of ​​the mine Borov Dol, activities for exploitation of copper ore will be performed, and the further processing of the ore will take place in the flotation plant of Bucim.

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Gifts for the children at Christmas time

In its long existence, the Bucim mine, as a socially responsible company, has approved numerous sponsorships and donations to a number of civil society organizations and state institutions, and will continue to do so in the future within its capabilities.

This year, over 1,000 New Year’s packages were given to the kindergarten “Aco Karamanov” in Radovish, the kindergarten “12th of July” in Konce, the children of the employees in the mines Bucim and Borov Dol, the children living in the Emanuel orphanage, to the children of the members of the association of persons with physical disability  Mobilnost – Radovish and to the children in Poraka day care center for people with disabilities. Bucim and Borov Dol mines also donated New Year’s packages to the Municipal Red Cross – Radovish and the to the Kudret Jasham Derneghi Turkish Association for humanitarian cultural activitie.

Donations during the holiday season, which have already become a tradition of the compnay, aim to bring smiles and joy to the youngest and to cheer up the Christmas holidays to children. 

“Christmas holidays are moments when we have joy, peace, when we have love and gifts. For the little ones, these small gifts are of great importance, because without them the holidays are not complete and we try to make the holidays beautiful for everyone, “said Nikoljacho Nikolov, Deputy General Manager of Bucim. 

“It is important to beautify the holidays for children who are most important for any society and to bring  smiles on their faces at this time of year,” added Pavlo Krivinsky, General Manager of Borov Dol.